Monday, February 9, 2015


"If you do not breastfeed, give your baby a formula with iron."

That's one of the bullet points on a document given to me at Noni's 6 month check-up last week.  I was glad to see this, because lately I'd started to wonder whether or not I should begin to give her an iron supplement.  I'd read that a baby's iron stores begin to deplete as early as 4 months of age, and that if a baby was not receiving iron fortified formula or cereal, then it may be necessary to give her/him an iron supplement.  The info was making it seem as though breastfeeding wasn't sufficient. 

Although I wasn't necessarily ready to just give in and order some iron drops after reading this information repeatedly from various sources, I did begin to wonder.  As someone who had issues with anemia relating to low iron for many years (it all improved drastically during my pregnancy, ironically, and I am no longer anemic) and constantly felt the effects, I just wanted to be sure Noni wasn't lacking in that area.

A final source that I came across made the most sense to me and pretty much put my mind at ease. It basically states that babies more at risk for iron-deficiency anemia are ones who were:

--Born prematurely
--Under 6.5 lbs at birth
--Born to mothers with poorly controlled diabetes
--Fed cow's milk instead of breast milk or iron-fortified formula during the first year of life
--Born to mother's who were anemic during pregnancy, although this is only in theory
(More great info. on this topic can be found at )

I had been prepared for the pediatrician to bring up the subject of iron and recommend that I put Noni on a supplement, since I'm breastfeeding, but I was surprised to read the quote that opens this post on paperwork given to me prior to seeing the doctor and for the doctor to then come in and say no iron supplementation is needed. In fact, she didn't even bring it up. I mentioned it to her.  She did suggest some high iron foods such as sweet potatoes and kidney beans for Noni when she's ready to get more into solid foods, but overall she said to just keep doing what I've been doing. 

I think an important thing to have in mind when receiving information relevant to health is that oftentimes recommendations for procedures, medications, supplements, etc., are spoken of very generally and are applied to all when really they only apply to a specific group or groups. The "better safe than sorry" ideology is common in medicine, and there are appropriate times when that approach is needed.  However, I think it's much more useful to research and get answers in favor of or against a particular position rather than just generalizing.


Somebody is getting busier and busier by the minute!  She wants almost everything she sees and is very determined to get it.  Here are some shots taken with my laptop, which she's just gotta get at every time I get it out to do something. 

 This child!


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